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Author: Hanssen, Friedrich
Title: Los endecasílabos de Alfonso X: Estudio sobre las Cantigas
Date: 1913
Publication details: Bulletin Hispanique, 15 (1913), 284-99.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Notes from Snow 1977, no. 83: "An advance over his study of metrics in Alfonso and Berceo (1903), for now H. more unhesitatingly concludes that the musical notation provides important rhythmic information for a correct interpretation of the individual cantigas. For the hendecasyllable as seen in, for example, CSM 17, both the grammatical and the musical accents tend to coincide in a dactylic form. H.'s expositions are not always clear to the layman, a fact compounded by the inexpert state of musicological studies of the CSM at this time. Schema are provided for: CSM 410, 290, 52, 339, 279, 126, 259, 39, 367, 133, 211, 139, 150, 69, 10, 143, 41, and 57. H. claims that these are all anticipated by occurrences in Latin hymnody."
Associated Poems: 10 - Cantiga de loor
17 - The Woman who Committed Incest with her Son
39 - The Fire at Mont Saint-Michel
41 - Garin the Moneychanger
52 - The Mountain Goats that Gave Milk to the Monks of Montserrat
57 - The Robbed Pilgrims to Montserrat
69 - The Deaf-Mute who was Healed in Toledo
126 - The Soldier who was Struck in the Face by an Arrow
133 - The Girl who Drowned in a Ditch
139 - The Boy who Offered Bread to an Image of the Christ Child
143 - The Drought in Jerez de la Frontera
150 - Cantiga de loor
211 - The Bees that Repaired the Paschal Candle
259 - The Squabbling Minstrels
279 - King Alfonso is Healed
290 - Cantiga de loor
339 - The Fish that Plugged a Hole in a Ship
367 - King Alfonso is Healed in Seville
410 - Prologue to the Songs of the Feasts of the Virgin
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