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Author: Mettmann, Walter
Title: Die altportugiesische Marienlyrik vor 1300
Date: 1968
Publication details: In Grundriss der romanischen Literaturen des Mittelalters: La littérature didactique, allegorique et satirique. Ed. Hans Robert Jauss. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1968-70. Vol. 6: I:15-18, II:43-45.
Snow ID: 324
Commentary: Notes from Snow 1977: "An expert condensation by an expert. Telling remarks on the structure and evolution of the "editions" of the CSM, with J.b.2 as the final one of the series. M. expounds the value of the loores to the whole: they best translate the personal emotion of Alfonso as revealed in it. Primary among these are CSM 100, 350, 180, 360, 130, 220, 260, 10, 60, 70, 290, and 330. Bibliography is given in vol. Vl, part 2 (1970), pp. 43-5."
Associated Poems: 10 - Cantiga de loor
60 - Cantiga de loor
70 - Cantiga de loor
100 - Cantiga de loor
130 - Cantiga de loor
180 - Cantiga de loor
220 - Cantiga de loor
260 - Cantiga de loor
290 - Cantiga de loor
330 - Cantiga de loor
350 - Cantiga de loor
360 - Cantiga de loor
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