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Author: Anon
Title: Música Española
Date: 17
Publication details: BNM MS M-3881?. 16 fols.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007: "A manuscript cuaderno from the XVIII century, catalogued by Barbieri, clearly torn from a larger compilation. Anglés [Catálogo Musical de la Bib. Nac. de Madrid (vol. I, Manuscritos, Barcelona: CSIC, 19??, p. 282] attributes great importance to it, believing it to be transcribed from the lost Cancionero del Conde de Marialva, from which Soriano Fuertes also made some transcriptions (1855, pp. 109ss and the 'Apéndice musical'), possibly from this manuscript copy. There are brief ad libitum transcriptions for refrains or refrain + stanza for cantigas 221, 256, 2, 10, 17, 6, 67, and 28 on the first folios (the last folios are not CSM)."
Associated Poems: 2 - Hildefonsus of Toledo
6 - The Murdered Chorister
10 - Cantiga de loor
17 - The Woman who Committed Incest with her Son
28 - The Siege of Constantinople
67 - The Man who had the Devil as his Servant
221 - King Fernando is Healed
256 - Queen Beatriz is Healed
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