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CSM Number : 221
Short name: King Fernando is Healed Alternative: King Fernando cured
Incipit: Ben per está aos reis/ d’ amaren Santa Maria
Refrain: Ben per está aos reis/ d’ amaren Santa Maria/ ca enas mui grandes coitas/ ela os acorr’ e guia.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Oña Protagonist(s): King don Fernando

When King don Fernando was a little boy, he became ill.

At the time, he was staying in Castile with his grandparents and his mother. His grandfather, King don Alfonso, thought that the boy might die, and his mother was mad with grief.

She decided to take the boy to Oña, trusting in the Virgin to cure him.

The child could not eat or sleep and was infested with worms.

When they arrived at Oña, they held a vigil in front of the high altar, praying to the Virgin to heal the child.The Virgin healed him at once, making him well and restoring his ability to sleep. When he woke up, he asked for something to eat.

Within fifteen days, the boy was stronger and fitter than ever. The Virgin also gave him a strong mind. When the boy’s grandfather, King don Alfonso, heard of the miracle, he went directly to Oña on pilgrimage.

Metrical data
Stanza: 15' 15' 15' 15' Refrain: 15' 15'
No. of Stanzas: 12
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
F73, E221
Poncelet reference
appetite (loss of) , children, hospital (construction of), insomnia, king, Muslims/Moors, pilgrimage, queen, tears, vigil, warfare, worms, convent
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