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CSM Number : 209
Short name: King Alfonso is Healed by the Virgin’s Book Alternative: Alfonso X is cured by CSM
Incipit: Muito faz grand’ erro e en torto jaz
Refrain: Muito faz grand’ erro e en torto jaz/ a Deus quen lle nega o ben que lle faz.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Vitoria Protagonist(s): King Alfonso X (the cantiga is written in the first person)

King Alfonso lay ill in Vitoria. No one expected him to recover.

His pain was so severe that he thought that he was dying, and he cried out to the Virgin to relieve him.

His doctors ordered hot compresses, but the king rejected these. Instead, he ordered Mary’s book to be brought and placed on him.

As soon as this was done, the pain diminished and the king thanked the Virgin.

Many people were there, weeping as they watched the king suffer.

When they saw that he had recovered, they prostrated themselves and praised the Virgin.

Metrical data
Stanza: 11 [5’ 5] 11 [5’ 5] 11 [5’ 5] 11 [5’ 5] Refrain: 11 [5’ 5] 11 [5’ 5]
No. of Stanzas: 8
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel:
MS locations:
F95, E209
Poncelet reference
book (of CSM), compress, doctor (medical), king, tears
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Cantigas de Santa Maria do rei don Alfonso
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Kennedy, Kirstin
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Nirenberg, David
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Parkinson, Stephen
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Prado-Vilar, Francisco
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Sandels, Marianne
El códice florentino de las ’Cantigas’ y su relación con los demás manuscritos
Solalinde, Antonio G.
Las Cantigas de Alfonso el Sabio
Steiger, Arnald