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CSM Number : 259
Short name: The Squabbling Minstrels Alternative: Two minstrels are given a candle (Arras)
Incipit: Santa Maria punna d’ avĩir
Refrain: Santa Maria punna d’ avĩir/ os seus por se deles mellor servir.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Arras Protagonist(s): two minstrels

Two minstrels were friends, but they quarrelled and challenged one another to a fight.

The Virgin appeared to them in dreams and instructed them to go to her church in Arras.

They both went there and the Virgin approached them and told them to cease their hostilities. She gave them a candle with which to cure people suffering from St Martial’s fire.

The pair went away reconciled and cured many people with the candle.

However, the bishop took it away from them. His foot started burning with the disease and it began to spread up his leg.

He asked for some of that wax and was given it to drink. It cured him immediately. Even now, some minstrels have the power to heal people and relieve their pain.

Metrical data
Stanza: 10 10 10 10 Refrain: 10 10
No. of Stanzas: 10
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
F43, E259
Poncelet reference
apparition, bishop, candle, devils, enemies (reconciliation of), legs (injured or swollen), minstrel, Saint Martial’s fire, wax
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
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