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CSM Number : 385
Short name: The Man who was Struck on the Head by a Stone Alternative: Stone strikes man on head
Incipit: De toda enfermidade
Refrain: De toda enfermidade/ maa e de gran ferida/ pode ben sãar a Virgen/ que de vertud’ é comprida.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Seville Protagonist(s): an injured man

This miracle occurred in Seville and was perfomed by Santa Maria do Porto who caused her church to be built quickly on the shore. It is a refuge for Christians and a bastion from which to wage war on the Moors of Spain and Africa.

People in trouble used to call on Santa Maria do Porto and entrust themselves to her. When they recovered, they would go on pilgrimage there.

A man in Seville was struck on the head by a stone. It crushed his forehead and split open the membranes of his brain. Surgeons were unable to help him.

He vowed that if he recovered, he would take a candle to Santa Maria do Porto. Although he became paralysed on the side that had been struck, and he felt very discouraged, he commended himself to the Virgin.

She healed him.

He fulfilled his vow and took the candle to her church where he held novenas.

Metrical data
Stanza: 15' 15' 15' 15' Refrain: 15' 15'
No. of Stanzas: 8
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
Poncelet reference
candle, doctor (medical), head injury, pilgrimage, stone (blocks of), warfare, brain, accident, blow (struck), hermitage
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Estudos de versificaçao portuguesa (séculos XIII a XVI)
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