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Author: Llorens Cistero, José María
Title: Alfonso X el Sabio, un rey ’cantigueiro’
Date: 1996
Publication details: Historia y Vida (Barcelona) 39, núm. 335 (February 1996), pp. 6-13. Illustrated.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007: "Contextualization of Alfonso as poet and musician and artifex of the CSM, distinguished by its willingness to enumerate those cantigas the author considers carry his most personal stamp: Pr B, 4, 47, 64, 84, 172, 188, 266, 284, 293, 300, 347, 361 and 401."
Associated Poems: 4 - The Murdered Jewish Boy
47 - The Devil who Appeared in the Shape of Three Beasts
64 - The Woman who could not Remove her Slipper
84 - The Woman who Committed Suicide
172 - The Merchant Bound for Acre who Survived a Storm
188 - The Image that was Found in a Young Girl’s Heart
266 - The Beam that Fell on the Congregation
284 - The Dying Friar who was Tormented by the Devil
293 - The Mimicking Minstrel
300 - Cantiga de loor
347 - The Boy Revived at Tudia
361 - The Statue that Turned Over in Bed
401 - Petiçon
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