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Author: Martins, Mário
Title: A sátira na literatura medieval portuguesa (séculos XIII e XIV)
Date: 1977
Publication details: Biblioteca Breve, 8, Lisbon: Inst. de Cultura Portuguesa, 1977.rnrn
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007: "Several sections of this vol. deal with Alfonso's poetry on a somewhat superficial level. CSM 15, 72, 154, 153, 61, 293, 316, 12, 89, and 290 are cited as illustrations in the brief chapter, "A sátira nas cc" (pp. 23-26), in which the verbal and pictorial satire is noted but not analyzed. The subject deserves further and deeper exploration. The information in nn. 29 and 30 is reversed.rnElsewhere there is one special division of the longish discussion on the "Cantigas de escárnio e maldizer", dealing with Alfonso and his satire of soldiers (34-38), in which evidence is adduced from Lapa, nos. 21, 24, 10, 2, 6, 16, 34, and 30 [I have supplied these number correspondences — they do not appear in Martins]. Treated passim on other parts of the study are Alfonso's satires of noblemen (Lapa 12 and 31, on p. 71); of the clergy (Lapa 23, 29, and 33, on pp.75-76); of possible antisemitism (Lapa 19, on p. 89); of women (Lapa 7, 28, 11, and 14, on pp. 99, 104-07); of sexual mores (Lapa 427 (=430 in the 2nd ed.), on p. 109; and on chance (Lapa 419 (=422 in 2nd ed.), on p. 112."
Associated Poems: 12 - The Image of Christ Reviled by the Jews of Toledo
15 - The Death of Julian the Apostate
61 - The Man who Scorned the Virgin’s Slipper
72 - The Blasphemer who was Struck Dead
89 - The Jewish Woman who was Helped in Childbirth
153 - The Reluctant Pilgrim Carried to Rocamadour
154 - The Gambler who Fired an Arrow at the Heavens
290 - Cantiga de loor
293 - The Mimicking Minstrel
316 - The Jealous Priest who Committed Arson
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