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CSM Number : 12
Short name: The Image of Christ Reviled by the Jews of Toledo Alternative: Christ Image Pierced by Jews
Incipit: O que a Santa Maria mais despraz
Refrain: O que a Santa Maria mais despraz/ é de quen ao seu Fillo pesar faz.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Toledo Protagonist(s): the archbishop of Toledo

In Toledo, on the feast of the Virgin’s Assumption, the archbishop was reciting mass.

Suddenly, a woman’s voice was heard. She accused the Jews of killing Christ and said that they were still antagonistic towards him.

After mass, the archbishop told the people what the voice had said.

They went to the Jewish quarter and discovered some Jews striking and spitting on a wax image of Christ

They had made a cross on which they intended to hang the image.

The Jews were killed.

Metrical data
Stanza: 15 [7' 7 ] 15 [7' 7 ] 11 11 Refrain: 11 11
No. of Stanzas: 6
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel:
MS locations:
T12, E12, To13
Poncelet reference
Cum Iudaei in quadam civitate fecissent in parasceve imaginem (283)
archbishop, Assumption (feast of), cross, feast day, iconoclasts, image of Christ, Jews, mass, massacre, wax
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Miracle Collection
Toledo Thott
(Copenhagen, Royal Library, MS Thott 128)
Toledo Phillips
(Chicago, University of Chicago, Phillipps MS 25142)
Toledo Vincent de Beauvais
Toledo Gil de Zamora
(Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, MS 9503)
Toledo Gil de Zamora
(Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, MS 9503)
Toledo Lisbon Mariale
(Lisbon, B.N., MS Alcobacense 149)
Toledo John of Garland
Toledo Gonzalo de Berceo
Toledo Madrid Mariale
(Madrid, B.N., MS 110)
Toledo William of Malmesbury
Toledo Adgar
(London, BL, Egerton 612)
Toledo BL Mariale 2
(London, BL, Arundel 346, ff. 60-73)
Toledo Mariale Magnum
(Paris Bibliothèque Nationale lat 3177)
Toledo Miraculorum B. Mariae. libri III
(Reims 1400)
Toledo BL Mariale 5
(London, BL, Additional MS 15723, Collection 2, ff. 70-92)
Toledo Jean Mielot, Miracles de Nostre Dame
(Oxford, Bodleian, Douce MS 374)
Toledo Anglo-Norman Miracles of the Virgin
(London, BL, Royal 20 B XIV, fols 102v-169)
Toledo Paris Mariale 1
(Paris Bibliothèque Nationale 14463)
Toledo BL Mariale 1
(Cotton Cleopatra C.x., ff. 101-144v)
La música a Catalunya a fins al segle XIII
Anglés, Higinio
Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus
Antonio, Nicolás
The Jew in the Cántigas of Alfonso X, el Sabio
Bagby, Albert
Las colecciones universales de milagros de la Virgen hasta Gonzalo de Berceo
Bayo, Juan Carlos
Heretics and Infidels: the Cantigas de Santa María as Ideological Instrument of Cultural Codfication
Bollo Panadero, María Dolores
Cantigas en versión para arpa de María Rosa Calvo- Manzano
Calvo- Manzano, María Rosa
A Paleographic Edition of the Alfonsine Collection of Prose Miracles of the Virgin
Chatham, James R.
Sources of the Cantigas of Alfonso el Sabio [AC]
Dexter, Elise Forsythe
Las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Filgueira Valverde, José
Os xudeos nas Cantigas de Santa María
Filgueira Valverde, José
Cincuenta leyendas por Gil de Zamora, combinadas con las Cantigas de Alfonso el Sabio
Fita, Fidel
Anti-Semitism in the Cantigas de Santa Maria
Hatton, Vikki, and Angus MacKay
Saint and Simulacra: Images of the Virgin in the Cantigas de Santa María of Alfonso X of Castile (1252-1284)
Jackson, Deirdre Elizabeth
Las traducciones castellanas de las Cantigas de Santa María
Keller, John E. and Robert W. Linker
A Feasible Source of the Denouements of the Exemplos in El Conde Lucanor
Keller, John Esten
Itinéraire espagnol du conte médiéval (VIIIs-XVs)
Marsan, Rameline E.
A sátira na literatura medieval portuguesa (séculos XIII e XIV)
Martins, Mário
Art of Estrangement: Redefining Jews in Reconquest Spain
Patton, Pamela A.
La dialéctica texto-imagen. A propósito de la representación del judío en las Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X
Rodríguez Barral, Paulino
Alfonso X, el rey sabio ¿tolerante con la minoría judía? Una lectura emblemática de las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Roitman, Gisela
Os judeus na Espanha do século XIII, segundo as Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X o Sábio
Teensma, B. N.
Recordings of Las [sic] Cantigas de Santa Maria Contained in the Facsimile Edition Published by Edilán (Madrid 1979)
Tinnell, Roger D.