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CSM Number : 167
Short name: The Muslim Child who was Revived at Salas Alternative: Muslim child revived (Salas)
Incipit: Quen quer que na Virgen fia
Refrain: Quen quer que na Virgen fia/ e a roga de femença/ valer-ll-á, pero que seja/ d' outra lee en creença.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Borja (in Zaragoza), and Salas Protagonist(s): a Moorish woman and her son

A Moorish woman from Borja had a beautiful son.

The boy became ill and died.

His mother had heard of the miracles performed by the Virgin of Salas and she decided to trust in her.

Despite the objections of other Moorish women, she commended her son to the Virgin and bought a wax image to offer at Salas.

She went to Salas, carrying her dead son. She prayed to the Virgin, keeping vigil all night long.

The Virgin revived the child although he had been dead for three days. The woman converted to Christianity.

Metrical data
Stanza: 15' 15' 15' 15' Refrain: 15' 15'
No. of Stanzas: 7
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
T167, E167
Poncelet reference
children, conversion, ex-voto, illness, Muslims/Moors, pilgrimage, resurrection, vigil, vow
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Santa María de Salas en el Siglo XIII. Estudio sobre algunas Cantigas de Alfonso el Sabio
Aguado Bleye, Pedro
Elementos de Reconquista: Moras y judías en las ’Cantigas’ de Alfonso V
Benito de Pedro, Ana
The Cantigas, or ’Songs of Praise of St. Mary’
Burns, Robert I.
Las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Filgueira Valverde, José
Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X el Sabio, rey de Castilla
López Serrano, Matilde
Recordings of Las [sic] Cantigas de Santa Maria Contained in the Facsimile Edition Published by Edilán (Madrid 1979)
Tinnell, Roger D.