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Author: López Serrano, Matilde
Title: Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X el Sabio, rey de Castilla
Date: 1974
Publication details: Colección selecta, 7, Madrid: Patrimonio Nacional, 1974. 74 pp.; 3a ed., 1987. Summarized in Reales Sitios 12 (1976), 31-46.rnrn
Snow ID: 366
Commentary: Snow 1977, revised 2007: "This pleasant survey of the CSM's art, music and MSS makes no claim to originality. There are 16 full colour miniatures from cantigas 1, 2, 8, 10, 23, 42, 63, 94, 107, 108, 133, 142, 165, 167, 172, and 187, and CSM 144 appears on the dustjacket. The quality and clarity of these vary from acceptable to somewhat blurred. A few curiosities crop up: L.S. believes that Alfonso knew Arabic perfectly (p. 9); she says that Escurial MS T.j.1 has 200 poems (there are 193); and she repeats the long discredited view that the musical notation is rabbinical (p. 13). More care should have been taken in both text and clarity of reproductions."
Associated Poems: 1 - Cantiga de loor
2 - Hildefonsus of Toledo
8 - The Minstrel of Rocamadour
10 - Cantiga de loor
23 - The Woman whose Wine was Replenished
42 - The Ring on the Finger of the Virgin’s Statue
63 - The Knight who Missed the Battle
94 - The Nun who Ran Away with a Knight
107 - The Jewish Woman who was Thrown from a Cliff
108 - Merlin and the Jew
133 - The Girl who Drowned in a Ditch
142 - The Huntsman who was Rescued from Drowning
144 - The Fierce Bull that was Tamed
165 - The Celestial Knights who Protected the City of Tartus
167 - The Muslim Child who was Revived at Salas
172 - The Merchant Bound for Acre who Survived a Storm
187 - The Monks of Jerusalem who were Saved from Famine
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