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Author: Filgueira Valverde, José
Title: Las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Date: 1989
Publication details: in 'Cantigas de Santa Maria' de Alfonso X el Sabio. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, 1989, 53-104.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007: "Minimal presentation of Alfonso and the CSM (with an anthology of the texts of 1, 173, 179, 21, 111, 167, 50, 34, 12, 176, 183, 160, 47, 125, 136, 42, 29, 140, 147, 144, 127, 68, and 100). Illustrated with full-page and single panel miniatures from the Códice Rico."
Associated Poems: 1 - Cantiga de loor
12 - The Image of Christ Reviled by the Jews of Toledo
21 - The Barren Woman’s Son is Revived
29 - The Images of the Virgin Mary at Gethsemane
34 - The Desecrated Image of the Virgin
42 - The Ring on the Finger of the Virgin’s Statue
47 - The Devil who Appeared in the Shape of Three Beasts
50 - Cantiga de loor
68 - The Wife and the Mistress
100 - Cantiga de loor
111 - The Drowned Priest
125 - The Priest who Used Magic to Seduce a Maiden
127 - The Young Man who Kicked his Mother
136 - The Gambling Woman who Threw a Stone at a Statue of the Virgin
140 - Cantiga de loor
144 - The Fierce Bull that was Tamed
147 - The Talking Sheep
160 - Cantiga de loor
167 - The Muslim Child who was Revived at Salas
173 - The Man who Passed a Kidney Stone
176 - The Captive in Majorca who was Freed from the Moors
179 - The Lame Woman of Molina
183 - The Moors of Faro who Threw a Statue of the Virgin into the Sea
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