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CSM Number : 173
Short name: The Man who Passed a Kidney Stone Alternative: Man passes kidney stones (Salas)
Incipit: Tantas en Santa Maria/ son mercees
Refrain: Tantas en Santa Maria/ son mercees e bondades/ que sãar pod’ os coitados/ de todas enfermidades.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: unspecified Protagonist(s): a man suffering from kidney stones

A man from Aragón suffered from kidney stones. He was in so much pain that he could not eat, sleep, or do anything but call on the Virgin.

He had consulted several doctors but they did not help him.

He went to Salas to pray to the Virgin. He asked her overlook his wrongdoings.


He woke up and found in his bed a kidney stone as big as a chestnut.

He praised the Virgin.

Metrical data
Stanza: 15 15 15 15’ [S1-3] 15’ 15’ 15’ 15’ [S4-5] Refrain: 15’ 15’
No. of Stanzas: 0
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel:
MS locations:
T173, E173
Poncelet reference
chestnut, doctor (medical), illness, kidney stones
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Santa María de Salas en el Siglo XIII. Estudio sobre algunas Cantigas de Alfonso el Sabio
Aguado Bleye, Pedro
El libro del peso de los alarifes
Cómez Ramos, Rafael
Poesía de santuarios
Filgueira Valverde, José
Las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Filgueira Valverde, José
Alfonso X, miracle collector
Parkinson, Stephen
Questões de estructura estrófica nas Cantigas de Santa Maria: estructuras múltiplas, assimetrias e continuações inconsistentes
Parkinson, Stephen
Cut and Shut. On the Hybridity of Cantiga 173
Parkinson, Stephen
Aberturas e finais: rubricas, refrães, estrofes iniciais e estrofes terminais nas Cantigas de Santa Maria
Parkinson, Stephen
Recordings of Las [sic] Cantigas de Santa Maria Contained in the Facsimile Edition Published by Edilán (Madrid 1979)
Tinnell, Roger D.