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CSM Number : 238
Short name: The Blasphemous Minstrel Alternative: Blasphemous minstrel goes to Hell
Incipit: O que viltar quer a Virgen
Refrain: O que viltar quer a Virgen/ de que Deus carne fillou/ se pois del filla vingança/ maravilla nono dou.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Guimarães Protagonist(s): a minstrel

A minstrel who was playing dice one day began to curse God and the Virgin.

The people were so shocked by the things he said that most of them went away.

A chaplain happened to go by, carrying the consecrated host to a person who was ill. Seeing the chaplain, the people knelt reverently, but the minstrel spit and scoffed at them.

Returning from his errand, the chaplain rebuked the minstrel and advised him to perform penance. The minstrel scorned the chaplain and continued to denounce God and the Virgin.

Having asked God to avenge the insult, the chaplain went away, and a devil came and seized the minstrel. He squeezed him so tightly that he twisted him completely.

The man never spoke another word. When he died, his soul went straight to hell.

Metrical data
Stanza: 15 15 15 15 Refrain: 15 15
No. of Stanzas: 13
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
F49, E238
Poncelet reference
blasphemy, chaplain, devils, dice, Eucharist, gambling, hell, host, Jews, minstrel, priest
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
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