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Author: Campbell, Alison
Title: Inside the virelai: a survey of musical structures in the Cantigas de Santa Maria
Date: 2013
Publication details: in Analizar, interpretar, hacer música: de las Cantigas de Santa Maria a la organologia. Escritos in memoriam Gerardo V. Huseby, ed Melianie Plesch, (Buenos Aires: Gourmet Musical, 2013) pp, 153-70
Snow ID:
Associated Poems: 25 - The Jewish Moneylender and the Christian Merchant
37 - The Amputated Foot
100 - Cantiga de loor
150 - Cantiga de loor
156 - The Priest whose Tongue was Cut Out
165 - The Celestial Knights who Protected the City of Tartus
187 - The Monks of Jerusalem who were Saved from Famine
192 - The Muslim Servant
210 - Cantiga de loor
236 - The Shipwrecked Woman who was Brought to Shore
267 - The Merchant who Fell Overboard
289 - The Farmer who Reaped on the Feast of Saint Cyres
295 - The Virgin Appears to Some Nuns
340 - Cantiga de loor
349 - The Statue that Healed the Sick
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