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CSM Number : 187
Short name: The Monks of Jerusalem who were Saved from Famine Alternative: Barns Filled in Time of Famine [Jerusalem]
Incipit: Gran fe devia om’ aver en Santa Maria
Refrain: Gran fe devia om’ aver en Santa Maria.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: a monastery in Jerusalem Protagonist(s): the monks of a monastery in Jerusalem

There was a monastery in Jerusalem. It had been a synagogue, but the Jews sold it to the Apostles. It was the first church in Syria. The Virgin, who was living on Mount Zion, ordered it to be built.

The monks were about to abandon the monastery because they had no food. The abbot told them to pray to the Virgin for aid. They prayed and recited hymns and chants all night long.

The next day they found that their granaries were full.

Later, there was another famine and they thought that they would die. The abbot reminded them of the gift that the Virgin had given them before. They prayed to her again all night long.

In the morning, they found a large pile of gold on the altar.

The abbot asked the treasurer if he had seen anyone enter the church. The treasurer swore he had not. The monks praised the Virgin for the gift.

Metrical data
Stanza: 11 11 14 13' Refrain: 13'
No. of Stanzas: 12
Rhyme scheme: A | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
T186, E187, E394
Poncelet reference
Colligit haec parvos hac simplicitate nitentes, Quos (205)
abbot, altar, apostles, famine, gold, grain, hymn, monastery, synagogue, treasurer
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Miracle Collection
Barns Filled in Time of Famine [Jerusalem] John of Garland
Barns Filled in Time of Famine [Jerusalem] Gregory of Tours
Barns Filled in Time of Famine [Jerusalem] Mariale Magnum
(Paris Bibliothèque Nationale lat 3177)
Barns Filled in Time of Famine [Jerusalem] Pseudo-Caesarius
Un aspecto urbanístico de Granada en la Cantiga 187 de Alfonso X el Sabio
Albarracin Navarro, Joaquina
Doctrina teológica y leyendas pías en las Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X, el Sabio
Alcalá, Ángel
La música de las Cantigas de Santa María del rey Alfonso el Sabio. Facsímil, transcripción y estudio crítico vol. III
Anglés, Higinio
The Jew in the Cántigas of Alfonso X, el Sabio
Bagby, Albert
Inside the virelai: a survey of musical structures in the Cantigas de Santa Maria
Campbell, Alison
Los poetas del Guadiana a Alfonso el Sabio
Gonzalez Lara, José, director de publicación
Shields of faith: apotropaic images of the Virgin in Alfonso X\'s Cantigas de Santa María
Jackson, Deirdre Elizabeth
Seeing is Believing: The Miniatures in the Cantigas de Santa Maria and Medieval Devotional Practices
Kennedy, Kirstin
Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X el Sabio, rey de Castilla
López Serrano, Matilde
A estrutura métrico-rimática da cantiga 100 das Cantigas de Santa Maria
Montero Santalha, José-Martinho
A estructura métrica de algunas das Cantigas de Santa Maria
Montero Santalha, José-Martinho
Un aspecto urbanístico de Granada en la Cantiga 187 de Alfonso X el Sabio
Montoya Martínez, Jesús
Tres ensayos sobre el arte en las Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso el Sabio
Sánchez Cantón, Francisco Javier
Historia de la literatura gallega.
Varela Jácome, Benito