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Author: Sunyol, Gregori Maria
Title: Cantigues de Montserrat del rei Anfós X, dit ’el savi’
Date: 1924
Publication details: Analecta Montserratensia, 5 (1922 [1924]), 361-417. ?date - BITAGAP has 1922.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 116: "S. gives the six Montserrat cantigas detailed exposition and analysis. For each of them - CSM 48, 52, 57, 113, 302, and 311 - he provides a transcription based on Valmar's (but not slavishly so), a facsimile of the text and the musical notation from MS J.b.2., and, since S. found Ribera's 1922 system of transcribing the music into modern notation inadmissible, his own version of the music for these Alfonsine contributions to the so called "Cantoral de Montserrat". The texts, transcribed by Friedrich Ludwig, are not totally accurate (see Bohigas, 1925)."
Associated Poems: 48 - The Stream that was Diverted for the Monks of Montserrat
52 - The Mountain Goats that Gave Milk to the Monks of Montserrat
57 - The Robbed Pilgrims to Montserrat
113 - The Falling Rock of Montserrat
302 - The Pickpocket at Montserrat
311 - The Pilgrim Struck by Lightning
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