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CSM Number : 8
Short name: The Minstrel of Rocamadour Alternative: Minstrel at Rocamadour [Pierre de Sieglar]
Incipit: A Virgen Santa Maria/ todos a loar devemos
Refrain: A Virgen Santa Maria/ todos a loar devemos/ cantand’ e con alegria/ quantos seu ben atendemos.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Rocamadour Protagonist(s): a minstrel, Pedro de Sigrar

A minstrel, Pedro de Sigrar, was singing and playing his fiddle in front of a statue of the Virgin.

He prayed to the Virgin to give him a candle and she caused one to rest on his fiddle.

A monk, the shrine treasurer, snatched it back, and accused the minstrel of sorcery.

The candle returned to the fiddle and the people, seeing this, did not allow the monk to take it away from the minstrel again.

The monk acknowledged the miracle, repented, and asked the minstrel's pardon.

Every year the minstrel brought a candle to the Virgin's church.

Metrical data
Stanza: 7’ 7 7’ 7 7’ 7 7’ 7’ Refrain: 7 7’ 7 7’
No. of Stanzas: 9
Rhyme scheme: ABAB | n c n c n c n b Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
T8, E8, To8
Poncelet reference
candle, false accusation, minstrel, monks, pardon, pilgrimage, troubadour, treasurer, viol, adultery
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Miracle Collection
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