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CSM Number : 42
Short name: The Ring on the Finger of the Virgin’s Statue Alternative: Ring on the Finger of the Mary-Image
Incipit: A Virgen mui groriosa
Refrain: A Virgen mui groriosa/ Reỹa espirital/ dos que ama é ceosa/ ca non quer que façan mal.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Germany Protagonist(s): a young man, his bride

During the renovation of a church in Germany, a statue of the Virgin was moved temporarily from the altar to a portico in the town square.

Some young men were playing ball in the square. One of the youths was wearing a ring given to him by his beloved. Thinking the ball could damage it; he put it on the finger of the statue for safekeeping. Kneeling before the statue, he placed the ring on its finger. He promised the Virgin that he would never love another lady, and that he would be faithful to her.

The statue closed its finger around the ring, and the people seeing this, advised the young man to join the Cistercian Order. He disregarded his promise to the Virgin and married his girlfriend.

On his wedding night, as he was lying in bed, the Virgin appeared to him and rebuked him for being unfaithful to her.

The bridegroom would not leave his bride, so the Virgin lay down on the bed, and separated him from his wife. She demanded that he leave at once.

He was so frightened that he got up at once, and wandered through the wilderness for a month. Later, he lived as a hermit in a grove of pine trees and served the Virgin.rn

Metrical data
Stanza: 15 [7’ 7] 15 [7’ 7] 15 [7’ 7] 15 [7’ 7] Refrain: 7’ 7 7’ 7
No. of Stanzas: 17
Rhyme scheme: ABAB | cccb Zejel:
MS locations:
T42, E42, To57
Poncelet reference
Cum olim quaedam antiqua ecclesia ex multa vetustate (290)
apparition, Ave Maria (saying of), ball game, Cistercians, image (of Virgin Mary), marriage, portico, ring, vow, hermit
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Miracle Collection
Ring on the Finger of the Mary-Image Vincent de Beauvais
Ring on the Finger of the Mary-Image John of Garland
Ring on the Finger of the Mary-Image Gautier de Coinci
Ring on the Finger of the Mary-Image Mariale Magnum
(Paris Bibliothèque Nationale lat 3177)
Ring on the Finger of the Mary-Image Miraculorum B. Mariae. libri III
(Reims 1400)
Ring on the Finger of the Mary-Image BL Mariale 5
(London, BL, Additional MS 15723, Collection 2, ff. 70-92)
Ring on the Finger of the Mary-Image Jean Gobi
Ring on the Finger of the Mary-Image Vendôme Collection
(Vendôme, Bibliothèque Publique MS 185)
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Disalvo, Santiago
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Lappin, Anthony
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Marullo, Teresa
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Morayta de Sagrario, Miguel
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Sánchez Cantón, Francisco Javier
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Scarborough, Connie L.
Recordings of Las [sic] Cantigas de Santa Maria Contained in the Facsimile Edition Published by Edilán (Madrid 1979)
Tinnell, Roger D.
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Wyrembek, Anna, & Jósef Morawski