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CSM Number : 328
Short name: The Town of Alcanate is Renamed Porto do Santa Maria Alternative: Alcanate is renamed 'Porto de Santa Maria'
Incipit: Sabor á Santa Maria
Refrain: Sabor á Santa Maria/ de que Deus por nos foi nado/ que seu nome pelas terras/ seja sempre nomeado.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Santa Maria do Porto/ Alcanate Protagonist(s): King don Alfonso, the Moorish constable of Jerez, Christian troops

The Virgin performed this miracle in a place that was formerly called Alcanate. It is near Jerez in the kingdom of Seville. The place lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the large one [the Atlantic Ocean], and is at the confluence of the Guadalquivir and Guadalete Rivers, which teem with fish.

King don Alfonso stayed in Alcanate when he attacked Salé with his fleet and won plenty of booty. He used the place as a naval base and made trips back and forth to Cádiz to equip his ships.

A Moorish constable from Jerez complained to the King. He told him that the King’s troops were calling Alcanate “Santa Maria do Porto”, and that this upset and insulted the Moors.

The King was angry at this report, and ordered the soldiers who did this to be punished. Many were beaten severely. Nevertheless, the more they tried to eradicate the name, the more people used it.

The King was very troubled by this because he feared fighting would break out among the Christians and the Moors.

The Virgin resolved the problem. She made the constable from Jerez speak to the King and offer him Alcanate. King Alfonso was very pleased because he realised that he could colonise Cádiz more quickly. Yet, he was suspicious of the Moor’s intentions and kept his own counsel. The Moor swore that he was not acting deceitfully, but trying to keep the peace. He also gave Alfonso all of the villages along the Atlantic shore.

Metrical data
Stanza: 15' 15' 15' 15' Refrain: 15' 15'
No. of Stanzas: 17
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
Poncelet reference
booty, bread, constable, corporal punishment, fish, fleet, game, king, Muslims/Moors, name (of Virgin Mary), river, warfare, whipping, wine
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Alfonso X el Sabio
Ballesteros y Beretta, Antonio
Alcanate o Santa María del Puerto y el Rey Sabio
Cabello, Juan
A Forma Mesquite in Formam Ecclesiae: Toledo, Between Rodrigo and Ibn Hud,
Dodds, Jerilynn D.
Los orígenes del culto de Santa María del Puerto, 1255-1500
Hisan, Pedro (pseud.) [ = Sancho de Sopranís, Hipólito]
Alfonso X y las Cantigas a Santa Maria
Martínez Alfonso, Manuel
Las Cantigas de Santa Maria: Fuente para la historia gaditana
Montoya Martínez, Jesús
De Santa María del Puerto a El Gran Puerto de Santa María
Montoya Martínez, Jesús
Aberturas e finais: rubricas, refrães, estrofes iniciais e estrofes terminais nas Cantigas de Santa Maria
Parkinson, Stephen
Historia de Jerez de la Frontera desde su incorporación a los dominios cristianos, I: 1255-1492
Sancho de Sopranís, Hipólito
Historia del Puerto de Santa María
Sancho Mayi [Sopranís], Hipólito
La reintegración del Puerto de Santa María a los dominios cristianos (siglo XIII)
Sancho, Hipólito