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CSM Number : 149
Short name: The German Priest who Doubted the Sacrament Alternative: Priest Doubts of real Presence
Incipit: Fol é a desmesura
Refrain: Fol é a desmesura/ quen dulta que tornada/ a ostia sagrada/ non é en carne pura.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Germany Protagonist(s): a German priest

A German priest loved the Virgin and said her mass every day, but he had doubts about the sacrament.

He prayed to the Virgin to relieve his doubts.

He began to look for it, and had a vision of the Virgin, standing and holding the infant Christ in her arms. She looked beautiful, but severe.

The priest begged her to give him the host if she had it.

The Virgin told him that the baby she held in her arms was the consecrated host. When she had finished speaking, the priest saw the host and ate it.

He prayed to the Virgin to take him to heaven. When he died, angels carried his soul there.

Metrical data
Stanza: 13' 13' 13' 13' Refrain: 6' 6' 6' 6'
No. of Stanzas: 13
Rhyme scheme: ABBA | ccca Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
T149, E149
Poncelet reference
Contigit in Alemannia, ut audivi referri, quod quidam sacerdos (225)
angels, apparition, doubt, Eucharist, host, Jews, mass, pagan, priest , sacrament, Saturday (devoted to Virgin Mary), soul
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Miracle Collection
Priest Doubts of real Presence Jean Gobi
Doctrina teológica y leyendas pías en las Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X, el Sabio
Alcalá, Ángel
The Jew in the Cántigas of Alfonso X, el Sabio
Bagby, Albert
Un recull de miracles de Santa Maria, procedent de Ripoll, i les Cantigues d’Alfons el Savi
Baraut i Obiols, Cebrià
Heretics and Infidels: the Cantigas de Santa María as Ideological Instrument of Cultural Codfication
Bollo Panadero, María Dolores
Fuentes germánicas en las ’Cantigas de Santa Maria’ de Alfonso X el Sabio
Ferreiro Alemparte, Jaime
Los alejandrinos de Alfonso X
Hanssen, Friedrich
O Livro dos Milagres da Bem-aventurada Virgem Maria
Martins, Mário
Fonti e contesti dei miracoli eucaristici delle Cantigas de Santa María 128 e 208
Negri, Manuel
Aberturas e finais: rubricas, refrães, estrofes iniciais e estrofes terminais nas Cantigas de Santa Maria
Parkinson, Stephen
La composición de las Cantigas de Santa Maria: una estrategia métrico-melódica, una estrategia poética
Rossell, Antoni
Le répertoire médiéval Galicien-Portugais: Un Système mnémo-technique. Structures formelles de répétition lexicale et mélodique
Rossell, Antoni
Os judeus na Espanha do século XIII, segundo as Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X o Sábio
Teensma, B. N.