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Author: Teensma, B. N.
Title: Os judeus na Espanha do século XIII, segundo as Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X o Sábio
Date: 1970
Publication details: Ocidente 79.389 (1970): 85-102. Additional publ. details from Snow 1977: Dutch version in Studia Rosenthaliana 4.2 (1970).
Snow ID: 345
Commentary: Notes from Snow 1977: "T. is forced to conclude that Alfonso is an intolerant anti-semite in the CSM and in real life; he cites cantigas 2, 426, 415, 419, 27, 305, 5, 264, 149, 312, 109, 85, 108, 12, 6, 34, 286, 4, 25, 89, 107, and 208 to support this claim. There is not the least mention of such considerations as received traditions involving Jews, the guilt traditionally associated with them in the Crucifixion, their having been stereotyped by scores of preceding generations, and their general utility as ready-made antagonists of Christian beliefs. What we need is fact to support the fiction and to aid in separating the art from the life (when that is capable of being clearly perceived). Readers should eye this article with reservations."
Associated Poems: 2 - Hildefonsus of Toledo
4 - The Murdered Jewish Boy
5 - The Chaste Empress
6 - The Murdered Chorister
12 - The Image of Christ Reviled by the Jews of Toledo
25 - The Jewish Moneylender and the Christian Merchant
27 - The Image that Appeared in a Synagogue
34 - The Desecrated Image of the Virgin
85 - The Jew who was Delivered from Thieves
89 - The Jewish Woman who was Helped in Childbirth
107 - The Jewish Woman who was Thrown from a Cliff
108 - Merlin and the Jew
109 - The Possessed Man who was Exorcised at Salas
149 - The German Priest who Doubted the Sacrament
208 - The Heretic who Placed a Host in a Beehive
264 - The Icon of the Virgin Mary Saves Constantinople
286 - The Jews who Mocked a Christian
305 - The Certificate of Absolution
312 - The Impotent Knight
415 - The Feast of the Annunciation (25 March)
419 - The Vigil of the Feast of the Assumption (14 August)
426 - Ascension
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