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Author: Sánchez Cantón, Francisco Javier
Title: Tres ensayos sobre el arte en las Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso el Sabio
Date: 1979
Publication details: El Museo de Pontevedra 33 (1979), 265-94.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007: "The author detects in the illuminations of the CSM an Alfonso fond of the plastic arts, specifically of architecture, sculpture and painting. He outlines — in three notes — a series of poems to support his view. For architectural knowledge — vocabulary, styles, and construction practices — we have CSM 78, 179, 5, 65, 103, 45, 226, 364, 358, 249, and 231 as exemplars. For sculptural works — mostly images of the Virgen — there are CSM 366, 352, 42, 308, 164, 202, 136, 162, 251, 219, 324, 349, 295, 312, and 292 that figure importantly. Finally, for painting of all kinds — on walls, wood, glass, cloths, etc. — he draws attention to CSM 29, 74, 122, 306, 9, 264, 377, 187, 134, 95, 18, and 362 all contain useful references. Illustrations are provided for the four CSM in italics above, and also for CSM 135 and 169.rnIf indeed the presence in the miniatures of so much evidence of the plastic arts can be ascribed to the desire on the part of the artists to reflect Alfonso's personal tastes (a plausible contention), then this will prove to be a valuable contribution, and a point of departure for future detailed study of the aesthetic world of Alfonso X."rn
Associated Poems: 5 - The Chaste Empress
9 - The Icon of Sardonay
18 - The Silkworms that Wove Veils
29 - The Images of the Virgin Mary at Gethsemane
42 - The Ring on the Finger of the Virgin’s Statue
45 - The Wicked Knight who Built a Monastery
65 - The Excommunicate who Won Absolution
74 - The Painter and the Devil
78 - The Slandered Man who was Spared from Burning
95 - The Hermit who was Captured by the Moors
103 - The Monk who Listened to a Bird’s Song for Three Hundred Years
122 - The Infanta who was Brought back to Life
134 - The Outbreak of St Martial’s Fire in Paris
135 - The Marriage Ordained by the Virgin
136 - The Gambling Woman who Threw a Stone at a Statue of the Virgin
162 - The Statue that Moved to the High Altar
164 - The Statue that Cried out Against the Arrest of a Monk
169 - The Church at Arreixaca is Protected by the Virgin
179 - The Lame Woman of Molina
187 - The Monks of Jerusalem who were Saved from Famine
202 - The Songwriter who was Given a Rhyme
219 - The Pulpit in the Cathedral of Siena
226 - The Buried Monastery
231 - The Three Boys who Raised Marble Blocks
249 - The Stonemason who Survived a Great Fall
251 - The Girl who was Captivated by an Image of the Christ Child
264 - The Icon of the Virgin Mary Saves Constantinople
292 - Master Jorge and the King’s Ring
295 - The Virgin Appears to Some Nuns
306 - The Heretic who Disparaged the Virgin Birth
308 - The Woman Afflicted with Kidney Stones
312 - The Impotent Knight
324 - The Statue that Cured a Mute
349 - The Statue that Healed the Sick
352 - The Moulting Goshawk
358 - The Builders who were Supplied with Stone
362 - The Blind Goldsmith whose Sight was Restored
364 - The Tower that Collapsed
366 - Don Manuel Recovers his Lost Falcon
377 - The Virgin Helps Pedro Lourenço Receive his Reward
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