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For the purposes of the new edition, every poem has been assigned a unique short title. The original short titles, taken eclectically from a number of sources, are retained as alternative short titles.
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CSM Number : 33
Short name: The Pilgrim Saved from Shipwreck Alternative: Pilgrim in the Sea
Incipit: Gran poder á de mandar/ o mar e todolos ventos
Refrain: Gran poder á de mandar/ o mar e todolos ventos/ a Madre daquel que fez/ todolos quatr’ elementos.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: On the way to Acre Protagonist(s): pilgrims to Acre, including a bishop

A ship, carrying over eight hundred pilgrims, was sailing to Acre when a storm arose, tearing the rigging and causing it to sink.

The passengers, including a bishop, climbed into a lifeboat.

One man, who tried to jump from the ship into the lifeboat, tripped on some rope and plunged into the sea.

The people in the lifeboat rowed, then unfurled a sail and made for shore.

On the shore they discovered the man who had fallen overboard.

When they asked him what had saved him, he said it was the Virgin. All the people sang her praises.

Metrical data
Stanza: 7 7 7 7’ 7 7 7’ Refrain: 7 7’ 7 7’
No. of Stanzas: 9
Rhyme scheme: ABNB | aaabaab Zejel:
MS locations:
T33, E33, To35
Poncelet reference
Cum quidam Hierosolymam adiens periclitante magna nave (303)
bishop, book (of miracles), fall (into sea), lifeboat, pilgrimage, shipwreck, storm
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Miracle Collection
Pilgrim in the Sea Pez
Pilgrim in the Sea Thott
(Copenhagen, Royal Library, MS Thott 128)
Pilgrim in the Sea Vincent de Beauvais
Pilgrim in the Sea Gil de Zamora
(Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, MS 9503)
Pilgrim in the Sea Lisbon Mariale
(Lisbon, B.N., MS Alcobacense 149)
Pilgrim in the Sea John of Garland
Pilgrim in the Sea Gonzalo de Berceo
Pilgrim in the Sea Madrid Mariale
(Madrid, B.N., MS 110)
Pilgrim in the Sea Gautier de Coinci
Pilgrim in the Sea Mariale Magnum
(Paris Bibliothèque Nationale lat 3177)
Pilgrim in the Sea Miraculorum B. Mariae. libri III
(Reims 1400)
Pilgrim in the Sea BL Mariale 5
(London, BL, Additional MS 15723, Collection 2, ff. 70-92)
Light on the Masthead Jean Gobi
Pilgrim in the Sea Bartholomew of Trent
(University of Bologna, Codice 1794)
Pilgrim in the Sea Johannes Herolt
Pilgrim in the Sea Pseudo-Caesarius
Pilgrim in the Sea Cornell Mariale
(Cornell, MS B.14)
Pilgrim in the Sea Li Miracoli de Senta Maria
Pilgrim in the Sea Li Miracoli de Senta Maria
Imágenes de la Virgen en los códices medievales de España
Delclaux, Federico
Sources of the Cantigas of Alfonso el Sabio [AC]
Dexter, Elise Forsythe
Cincuenta leyendas por Gil de Zamora, combinadas con las Cantigas de Alfonso el Sabio
Fita, Fidel
El arte mayor de Juan de Mena
Hanssen, Friedrich
Osservazioni sulle Cantigas di Alfonso X e sui Miracles di Gautier de Coincy
Marullo, Teresa
A estructura métrica de algunas das Cantigas de Santa Maria
Montero Santalha, José-Martinho
Cantigas de Alfonso X, el Sabio
Moreno Galván, José M.