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Author: Disalvo, Santiago
Title: La cultura monástica en las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X: pervivencia, adopción y reelaboración
Date: 2008
Publication details: PhD thesis, Universidad Nacional de la Plata
Snow ID: 1902
Associated Poems: 2 - Hildefonsus of Toledo
3 - Theophilus
4 - The Murdered Jewish Boy
7 - The Pregnant Abbess
11 - The Drowned Sacristan
13 - Elbo the Thief
24 - The Clerk of Chartres
26 - The Pilgrim to Santiago
42 - The Ring on the Finger of the Virgin’s Statue
54 - The Monk who was Healed by the Virgin’s Milk
56 - The Monk who Recited Five Psalms Daily
132 - The Clerk of Pisa
405 - The Image of the Virgin that was Unveiled Each Saturday
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