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Author: Parkinson, Stephen
Title: Doing lines: refrains and copyists in the Cantigas de Santa Maria
Date: 2021
Publication details: Medievalia (UNAM), 53.2 (2021), 131-153
Snow ID:
Associated Poems: 5 - The Chaste Empress
65 - The Excommunicate who Won Absolution
68 - The Wife and the Mistress
73 - The Stained Chasuble
97 - The Slandered Man who was Exonerated
118 - The Stillborn Child who was Revived at Salas
127 - The Young Man who Kicked his Mother
133 - The Girl who Drowned in a Ditch
155 - The Knight who Filled a Tankard with Tears
204 - Saint Dominic and the Sick Archdeacon
318 - The Priest who Stole Silver from a Cross
325 - The Christian Woman who Escaped from the Moors
364 - The Tower that Collapsed
365 - The Doubting Monk
366 - Don Manuel Recovers his Lost Falcon
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