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Author: Rodríguez Barral, Paulino
Title: La dialéctica texto-imagen. A propósito de la representación del judío en las Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X
Date: 2007
Publication details: Anuario de Estudios Medievales 37.1, 2006-07, pp. 213-243
Snow ID: 1892
Associated Poems: 3 - Theophilus
4 - The Murdered Jewish Boy
6 - The Murdered Chorister
12 - The Image of Christ Reviled by the Jews of Toledo
25 - The Jewish Moneylender and the Christian Merchant
27 - The Image that Appeared in a Synagogue
34 - The Desecrated Image of the Virgin
85 - The Jew who was Delivered from Thieves
89 - The Jewish Woman who was Helped in Childbirth
107 - The Jewish Woman who was Thrown from a Cliff
108 - Merlin and the Jew
109 - The Possessed Man who was Exorcised at Salas
286 - The Jews who Mocked a Christian
Online source: http://estudiosmedievales.revistas.csic.es/index.php/estudiosmedievales/article/view/38/39