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Author: Solalinde, Antonio G.
Title: Alfonso X, el Sabio. Antología
Date: 1922
Publication details: vol. I, (Col. Granada, Madrid: Jiménez Fraud, 1922), pp. 5-112. Rpt. Colección Austral, 169, Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1941; often reprinted (8th ed. 1984).
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 109: "The first anthology of consequence. The introd. carries good accounts of the legends surrounding Alfonso. S. notes, too, that the CSM employs differing levels of language according to changing subject matter. CSM anthologized are: Prol. B, 4, 9, 56, 60, 64, 94, 132, 142, 144, 180, 195, 279, 396, 401, and the mayas - 406. Profane poems included are: CBN (in the order in which they appear in the text) 437, 439, 441, 413, 414, 416, 419, and 421."
Associated Poems: 4 - The Murdered Jewish Boy
9 - The Icon of Sardonay
56 - The Monk who Recited Five Psalms Daily
60 - Cantiga de loor
64 - The Woman who could not Remove her Slipper
94 - The Nun who Ran Away with a Knight
132 - The Clerk of Pisa
142 - The Huntsman who was Rescued from Drowning
144 - The Fierce Bull that was Tamed
180 - Cantiga de loor
195 - The Girl Named Mary
279 - King Alfonso is Healed
289 - The Farmer who Reaped on the Feast of Saint Cyres
401 - Petiçon
406 - Cantiga de loor
429 - Prologue
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