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Poems 1-427 are numbered following Mettmann's 1986-89 edition. The Prologues are assigned numbers 428 and 429. For the purposes of the new edition, every poem has been assigned a unique short title. Incipits and refrains will be progressively reedited in the style of the new edition.
Click on the header of any column to make it scrollable, or to reverse the listing order. Select a poem number or a word from incipit or refrain to go directly to individual poems. Click on the title of any poem to view information on the text and narrative. Click on the poem number to see the latest version of the critical text of the poem (if available). Click on the link below to access the archive of edited texts.

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As cantigas 1-427 seguen a numeración da edición de Mettmann (1986-1989). Os Prólogos levan os números 428 e 429. Con motivo da nova edición, cada cantiga ten asignada un único título breve (en inglés). Os incipits e os refráns reeditaranse progresivamente seguindo o estilo da nova edición.
Clique no encabezado de calquera das columnas para tornalo depregábel ou para inverter a orde da lista. Seleccione o número de cantiga ou unha palabra do incipit ou do refrán para ir directamente a unha cantiga concreta. Clique no título de cada cantiga para ver a información sobre o texto e narrativa. Clique no número de cantiga para consultar a última versión da edición crítica do poema (se esta está xa dispoñible). Clique no seguinte enlace para acceder ao arquivo dos textos editados.

Found a total of 30 poems matching your search
CSM No. Title Incipit
24 The Clerk of Chartres Madre de Deus, non pod’ errar/ quen en ti á fiança
32 The Priest who Only Knew One Mass Quen loar podia
35 The Clerics Saved from Pirates O que a Santa Maria | der algo ou prometer
55 The Nun who Left the Convent Atant’ é Santa Maria/ de toda bondade bõa
65 The Excommunicate who Won Absolution A creer devemos que todo pecado
69 The Deaf-Mute who was Healed in Toledo Santa Maria os enfermos sãa
75 The Rich Man and the Poor Widow Omildade con pobreza
87 Hieronymus is Made Bishop of Pavia Muito punna d’ os seus onrar
92 The Blind Priest whose Sight was Restored Santa Maria poder á
102 The Priest who was Cast into a Pit Sempr’ aos seus val
111 The Drowned Priest En todo tempo faz ben
124 The Man who Survived Execution so he could Make his Confession O que pola Virgen leixa
125 The Priest who Used Magic to Seduce a Maiden Muit’ é mayor o ben-fazer
132 The Clerk of Pisa Quen leixar Santa Maria
144 The Fierce Bull that was Tamed Con razon é d’ averen gran pavor
149 The German Priest who Doubted the Sacrament Fol é a desmesura
151 The Priest who Renounced his Mistress Sempr’ a Virgen, de Deus Madre/ busca vias e carreiras
156 The Priest whose Tongue was Cut Out A Madre do que de terra/ primeir’ ome foi fazer
157 The Pilgrims to Rocamadour whose Meal was Stolen Deus por sa Madre castiga
162 The Statue that Moved to the High Altar As sas figuras muit’ onrrar
168 The Child Revived at Salas En todo logar á poder
222 The Chaplain who Swallowed a Spider Quen ouver na Groriosa | fiança con fe comprida
225 The Priest who Swallowed a Spider Muito bon miragr’ a Virgen faz
238 The Blasphemous Minstrel O que viltar quer a Virgen
272 The Animated Image in the Lateran Maravillosos miragres/ Santa Maria mostrar
313 The Dove that Appeared on a Storm-tossed Ship Ali u todolos santos
316 The Jealous Priest who Committed Arson Par Deus, non é mui sen guisa
318 The Priest who Stole Silver from a Cross Quen a Deus e a sa Madre/ escarnno fazer quiser
327 The Priest who Made Underpants from an Altarcloth Porque ben Santa Maria/ sabe os seus dões dar
343 The Girl who Said Offensive Things A Madre do que o demo/ fez no mundo que falasse