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CSM Number : 4 |
Short name: |
The Murdered Jewish Boy |
Alternative: |
Jewish Boy: Jew of Bourges |
Incipit: |
A madre do que livrou/ dos leões Daniel |
Refrain: |
A madre do que livrou/ dos leões Daniel/ essa do fogo guardou/ un menĩo d’ Irrael |
Summary of narrative |
Setting: |
Bourges |
Protagonist(s): |
Abel, a Jewish boy |
A Jewish boy named Abel, the son of a glassmaker, went to school with Christians. At Easter, he went to church with the other pupils and saw the abbot giving them communion. It seemed to him as if the Virgin on the altar were giving them the sacrament. He lined up to receive communion and the Virgin gave it to him. He returned home and told his father what he had done. His father was enraged and threw him into a furnace. His mother, Rachel, screamed and ran into the street. People came to her aid. The Virgin protected the boy in the midst of the flames, just as her Son had protected Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael [in the fiery furnace]. The Jewish boy was baptised at once, his mother converted to Christianity, and his father was thrown into the furnace.
Metrical data |
Stanza: |
7 7’ 7 7’ 7 7’ 7 7 |
Refrain: |
7 7 7 7 |
No. of Stanzas: |
11 |
Rhyme scheme: |
ABAB | cdcdcdcb |
Zejel: |
Yes |
MS locations: |
T4, E4, To4 |
Poncelet reference |
Apud Bituricas cum christiani die Paschae communicarent (95) |
Keywords |
abbot, baptism, burning, children, Easter, Eucharist, furnace, glassmaker, murder, conversion, Jews, school, student, fire |
Discography |
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem |
Miracle |
Collection |
Jew of Bourges |
Jew of Bourges |
Thott (Copenhagen, Royal Library, MS Thott 128) |
Jew of Bourges |
Phillips (Chicago, University of Chicago, Phillipps MS 25142) |
Jewish Boy: Covered with her Cloak |
Vincent de Beauvais
Jew of Bourges |
Gil de Zamora (Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, MS 9503) |
Jewish Boy: Covered with her Cloak |
BL Mariale 3 (London, BL, Additional MS 35112, ff. 21-80; 90-94) |
Jewish Boy: Jew of Bourges |
Lisbon Mariale (Lisbon, B.N., MS Alcobacense 149) |
Jewish Boy: Covered with her Cloak |
John of Garland
Jew of Bourges |
Legenda Aurea (Voragine)
Jew of Bourges |
Gonzalo de Berceo
Jew of Bourges |
Madrid Mariale (Madrid, B.N., MS 110) |
Jew of Bourges |
Gautier de Coinci
Jewish Boy: Covered with her Cloak |
William of Malmesbury
Jew of Bourges |
Adgar (London, BL, Egerton 612) |
Jew of Bourges |
BL Mariale 2 (London, BL, Arundel 346, ff. 60-73) |
Jew of Bourges |
Nigel of Canterbury (London, BL, MS Cotton Vespasian D.xix) |
Jewish Boy: Covered with her Cloak |
Ripoll (Rivipullensis 193) |
Jewish Boy: Covered with her Cloak |
Gregory of Tours
Jewish Boy: Covered with her Cloak |
Mariale Magnum (Paris Bibliothèque Nationale lat 3177) |
Jewish Boy: Covered with her Cloak |
Bartholomew of Trent (University of Bologna, Codice 1794) |
Jewish Boy: Covered with her Cloak |
Vendôme Collection (Vendôme, Bibliothèque Publique MS 185) |
Jewish Boy: Jew of Bourges |
Johannes Herolt
Jewish Boy: Jew of Bourges |
Dominic of Evesham (Oxford, Balliol College, MS 240, ff. 137-148) |
Jewish Boy: Jew of Bourges |
Anglo-Norman Miracles of the Virgin (London, BL, Royal 20 B XIV, fols 102v-169) |
Jew of Bourges |
BL Mariale 1 (Cotton Cleopatra C.x., ff. 101-144v) |
3721 |
Bibliography |
Doctrina teológica y leyendas pías en las Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X, el Sabio Alcalá, Ángel |
Antología Alfonso X |
Obras de Alfonso X (Selección) Alfonso X |
Extractos de las Cantigas de Santa Maria en lengua castellana Anon |
The Jew in the Cántigas of Alfonso X, el Sabio Bagby, Albert |
Un recull de miracles de Santa Maria, procedent de Ripoll, i les Cantigues d’Alfons el Savi Baraut i Obiols, Cebrià |
Las colecciones universales de milagros de la Virgen hasta Gonzalo de Berceo Bayo, Juan Carlos |
Elementos de Reconquista: Moras y judías en las ’Cantigas’ de Alfonso V Benito de Pedro, Ana |
Contributo allo studio della letteratura miracolistica Bertolucci Pizzorusso, Valeria |
Heretics and Infidels: the Cantigas de Santa María as Ideological Instrument of Cultural Codfication Bollo Panadero, María Dolores |
Typology in Berceo’s Milagros; the Judïezno and the Abadesa preñada Boreland, Helen |
Alfonso el Sabio, selección y notas Cardenal de Iracheta, Manuel |
España en su historia: cristianos, moros y judíos Castro, Américo |
A Paleographic Edition of the Alfonsine Collection of Prose Miracles of the Virgin Chatham, James R. |
Lectura retórica visual de la Cantiga 4 Corti, Francisco |
Historical Anthology of Music Davison, A. T., and Willi Apel |
Sources of the Cantigas of Alfonso el Sabio [AC] Dexter, Elise Forsythe |
Algunas notas sobre la presencia de elementos tipológicos o figurativos en los ’Milagros’ de Gonzalo de Berceo y en las Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X Disalvo, Santiago |
La cultura monástica en las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X: pervivencia, adopción y reelaboración Disalvo, Santiago |
El planto en la historia y en la literatura gallega Filgueira Valverde, José |
Os xudeos nas Cantigas de Santa María Filgueira Valverde, José |
Cincuenta leyendas por Gil de Zamora, combinadas con las Cantigas de Alfonso el Sabio Fita, Fidel |
Resumen de ’¿Cuáles son los orígenes musicales de las Cantigas?’ García Moreno, María Teresa |
¿Cuáles son los orígenes musicales de las Cantigas? García Moreno, María Teresa |
The Literary Portrait of the Child in Castilian Medieval Literature Goldberg, Harriet |
Anti-Semitism in the Cantigas de Santa Maria Hatton, Vikki, and Angus MacKay |
Las traducciones castellanas de las Cantigas de Santa María Keller, John E. and Robert W. Linker |
A Feasible Source of the Denouements of the Exemplos in El Conde Lucanor Keller, John Esten |
Lines 99-100 of Alfonso X el Sabio’s Cantiga IV Knowlton, Jr, Edgar C. |
Alfonso X, el Sabio. Antología Labajo, Aurelio, Carlos Urdiales & Trini González |
Alfonso X el Sabio, un rey ’cantigueiro’ Llorens Cistero, José María |
Itinéraire espagnol du conte médiéval (VIIIs-XVs) Marsan, Rameline E. |
Cantigas de Santa Maria e cancioneiros galaico-portugueses Martins, Mário |
O Livro dos Milagres da Bem-aventurada Virgem Maria Martins, Mário |
Osservazioni sulle Cantigas di Alfonso X e sui Miracles di Gautier de Coincy Marullo, Teresa |
Texto e imagem: autonomia e interdependência em processo de leitura Nascimento, Aires Augusto |
Milagres Medievais numa colectânea mariana alcobacense. Edição crítica, tradução e estudo Nascimento, Aries Augusto, ed. |
Phonology and Metrics: Aspects of Rhyme in the Cantigas de Santa Maria Parkinson, Stephen |
The Little Jewish Boy: Afterlife of a Byzantine Legend in Thirteenth-Century Spain Patton, Pamela A |
Constructing the Inimical Jew in the Cantigas de Santa Maria: Theophilus' Magician in Text and Image Patton, Pamela A. |
Art of Estrangement: Redefining Jews in Reconquest Spain Patton, Pamela A. |
Antología de Alfonso el Sabio Peña, Margarita |
’Iudeus sacer’: Life, Law, and Identity in the ’State of Exception’ Called ’Marian Miracle’ Prado-Vilar, Francisco |
La dialéctica texto-imagen. A propósito de la representación del judío en las Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X Rodríguez Barral, Paulino |
Alfonso X, el rey sabio ¿tolerante con la minoría judía? Una lectura emblemática de las Cantigas de Santa Maria Roitman, Gisela |
Mother of God. A History of the Virgin Mary Rubin, MIri |
Los judíos de Berceo y los de Alfonso X en la España de ’las tres religiones’ Sainz de la Maza, Carlos |
Birds of Prey and the Dry Textbook: King Alfonso’s Laws, Science, and Cantigas of the Hunt Seniff, Dennis P. |
Alfonso X, el Sabio. Antología Solalinde, Antonio G. |
Os judeus na Espanha do século XIII, segundo as Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X o Sábio Teensma, B. N. |
Cantigas de Santa Maria de Afonso X, O Sábio: aspectos culturais e literários Vaz Leão, Angela |